X-Wing: Elite Pilot Skills- Expert Handling

Elite Pilot Skills- Expert Handling

Hi guys, i felt you all needed to see this, this is originally from Clint over at the the metal bikini.com so all credit goes to him for this!

Expert Handling (2)
Card Text: Perform a Barrel Roll. If you do not have the Barrel Roll icon in your Action Bar, receive one stress token. You may then remove one Target Lock from your ship.
Usage in game: Primarily to give an X-Wing the Barrel Roll ability or to give an Impieral fighter the ability to shed pesky Target Locks.
Action?: Yes. Using Expert Handling requires the use of an action.

A Rebel ship suddenly able to Barrel Roll has the potential to disrupt a lot of Imperial player’s plans because it’s just so unexpected and goes against how they’ve learned to play the game. It does require an action, but so does regular Barrel Roll, so you’re really not giving anything up there.

On the Imperial side, I’d be unlikely to pay for something I already get in the cost of the ship, but that’s me- your mileage may vary. Shedding TLs is nice, but I don’t know that it’s worth 2 points. Perhaps on ships like Vader who has two actions or Howlrunner and her nice Area-of-Effect buff as they're also juicy targets for TLs. Or if you want to make Dark Curse just damn near unhittable...

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You have read this article x wing with the title March 2013. You can bookmark this page URL https://cambetamacaubangkok.blogspot.com/2013/03/x-wing-elite-pilot-skills-expert.html. Thanks!

X-Wing: Concussion missiles.

Secondary Weapon Systems- Concussion Missiles 

Hi guys, i felt you all needed to see this, this is originally from Clint over at the the metal bikini.com so all credit goes to him for this!

Concussion Missiles (4)
Attack Dice: 4
Range: 2-3
Card Text: Spend your Target Lock and discard this card to perform this attack. You may change 1 of your blank results to a <hit>.
Usage: This is the missile most folks choose to use. Again, I think the decision should be contextual, but this is the missile the internet loves. In any case, it is a good one; no debating that. The ability to change a blank to a hit ensures at least one hit with a Focused Concussion Missile shot, and that shouldn’t be disregarded. They also give 4 attack dice at Range 3 which is great, especially for the players with TIE Advanced who often find themselves around the edges of a battle rather than in the thick of it.

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You have read this article x wing with the title March 2013. You can bookmark this page URL https://cambetamacaubangkok.blogspot.com/2013/03/x-wing-concussion-missiles.html. Thanks!

X-Wing: Elite Pilot Skills- Determination

Elite Pilot Skills- Determination

Hi guys, i felt you all needed to see this, this is originally from Clint over at the the metal bikini.com so all credit goes to him for this!

Determination (1)
Card Text: When you are dealt a face up card with the Pilot trait, discard it immediately without resolving its effects.
Usage in game: This card is pretty specific in its usage, but as it only costs 1 point, it’s still not a bad deal.
Action?: No.

First, the face up card referenced in the card text is, in plain speak, a Critical Damage result. If you haven’t noticed, there’s only one crit marked on the standard attack die although there are several pilots with special abilities that allow them to bestow crits in various ways. In any case, should you be unlucky enough to be the recipient of a crit, if the result is a Pilot damage trait (8 out of 33 total Damage cards), it goes away like it never happened. Is that statistically likely to happen? No. Is it worth 1 point to totally ruin your opponent's day if it does? Maybe. I have been known to throw it on the random pilot from time to time in situations like that.

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You have read this article x wing with the title March 2013. You can bookmark this page URL https://cambetamacaubangkok.blogspot.com/2013/03/x-wing-elite-pilot-skills-determination.html. Thanks!

X-Wing: Secondary Weapon Systems- Cluster Missiles

Secondary Weapon Systems- Cluster Missiles

Hi guys, i felt you all needed to see this, this is originally from Clint over at the the metal bikini.com so all credit goes to him for this!

Cluster Missiles (4)
Attack Dice: 3
Range: 1-2
Card Text: Spend your Target Lock and discard this card to perform this attack twice.
Usage: Effectively, you’re making two attacks at the same target with this card. This means that Focusing a Cluster Missile attack will only affect one of the two “ salvos” (ditto for someone trying to Focus their defense rolls), but that Marksmanship affects both “ salvos.” Generally, most folks opt for Concussion Missiles over Clusters, but I think both have their value. Clusters have the potential to generate more hits on targets with low Agility like Y-Wings. Against anything higher, the benefit of rolling six dice is lessened to a certain degree, especially against ships who can Evade as an Action.

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You have read this article x wing with the title March 2013. You can bookmark this page URL https://cambetamacaubangkok.blogspot.com/2013/03/x-wing-secondary-weapon-systems-cluster.html. Thanks!

X-Wing, Elite Pilot Skills- Squad Leader

Elite Pilot Skills- Squad Leader


Hi guys, i felt you all needed to see this, this is originally from Clint over at the the metal bikini.com so all credit goes to him for this!

Squad Leader (2)
Card Text: Choose a ship at Range 1-2 with a lower Pilot Rank than you. That ship may immediately perform a free action.
Usage in game: Ideally this card is given to a high ranking Pilot so as many ships as possible can benefit. Giving it to a Black Squadron TIE only really works if he’s surrounded by Academy TIEs, for example.
Action?: Yes. To use the Squad Leader Talent, it requires an action.
NOTE: This Elite Talent is dotted (is unique and cannot be replicated in squadron list).

There are two things you want to note right off the bat when it comes to Squad Leader- first, what a "free action" is, and secondly, this card effectively takes an Action from one ship and gives it to another as Squad Leader is itself, an Action.

The "free action" is simply a standard action available to you that doesn't count against the normal one action per round rule and takes place during a different part of the turn than the "Perform Action" step. As you're declaring this second free Action, you can't perform the same action again- it has to be a different Action than the one you have likely already declared. The cool thing though is since the timing is different, you can declare a free action if you've hit an asteroid or collided with somebody (dig the FAQ on this bit and the rulebook, specifically the Perform Action steps).

The giving away an Action so somebody else can have a free Action is fairly easy to get your head around, as is the obvious best Pilot to take this Elite Pilot Talent- Vader.

Squad Leader on the Rebel side only works on Wedge or Luke as they're the only pilots who can take Elite Pilot Talents. It works particularly well on a ship flying near Garven Dreis or Dutch Vander as those ships can give away Focuses and Target Locks respectively which often can mitigate the loss of the Action due to triggering Squad Leader. Just keep in mind, both of those pilots give their tokens away after they use them, so the recipient won’t get full use of those tokens if they’re at a higher Pilot Rank than Dreis or Vander (which they probably will be)*. Better than nothing, but don’t rely on it like it’s going to be the same as a Rebel Vader or something.

On the Imperial side, this card works best on Vader as again, it’s basically one ship trading it’s action to give another ship an action otherwise. With Vader having two actions, he can use Squad Leader and still have one action of his own to use. It can be decent on a TIE that's there more for support than offense though like Howlrunner for instance.

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You have read this article X-Wing with the title March 2013. You can bookmark this page URL https://cambetamacaubangkok.blogspot.com/2013/03/x-wing-elite-pilot-skills-squad-leader.html. Thanks!

X-Wing, general concepts of listbuilding.

Hi guys, i felt you all needed to see this, this is originally from Clint over at the the metal bikini.com so all credit goes to him for this!


General Concepts of Listbuilding

General Concepts
As with most miniatures games, X-Wing uses a point system to rank the general effectiveness of pilots (and subsequently the ship they’re piloting) and the various upgrades available to them. Also like most miniatures games, the player immediately finds himself with a decision to make regarding the makeup of his flight roster- go for few ships worth more points or more ships worth less points?

How many ships?
Again- the most important skill to possess in X-Wing is being able to maneuver and move ships effectively, full stop. The best pilots and upgrades will not save you if you can’t get them into position to maximize effectiveness or have lost Actions because of collisions with asteroids or other ships. For this reason, I suggest to the new player to build lists in favor of more ships worth less points rather than fewer expensive ships. Simply put, there’s more room for error this way. Currently at 100 points, a Rebel player for example is either going to be fielding 3 highly tooled ships or 4 low to medium points ships with perhaps one high PR pilot. If a collision does occur from poor planning or a surprise move from the opponent, the player with only three ships has just lost 33% of his actions for the round, while the 4-ship player has only lost 25%.

The exception here would be the beginner Imperial player as he can mathematically field up to 8 TIEs in a standard 100 point game. Novice players would likely have great difficulty maneuvering all those ships in effective ways without colliding. Recall that X-Wing is played on a 3’ x 3’ surface; now imagine moving around 8 bases worth of TIEs and trying to maneuver them around each other in anything but straight lines. See what I mean?

I think the “sweet spot” for a 100 points Rebel squadron for anything but an advanced player is definitely four ships, and I strongly advise 4 X-Wings for new/ novice players. For an Imperial player, I’d suggest no more than 6 ships, 5 being preferable for the purposes of movement and maneuvering at least while still getting the feel for the game.

How many upgrades?
In the X-Wing Miniatures rule system, not all ships have the same upgrades available to them. In fact, some low-points/ low Pilot Rank ships have zero upgrades available to them while expensive pilots in the game often have a plethora of upgrades available to them in the form of Elite Talents in addition to the more standard ship upgrades.

I think the key to choosing upgrades largely stems from the player and his play style, but speaking in generalities, few ship upgrades (generally secondary weapon systems and droids) are more effective for their points than paying the points for a unique Named pilot over a generic pilot.

For example, a Black Squadron TIE Fighter (14 pts) has access to the Elite Skills upgrades. Contextually (i.e. part of the 5-man TIE squadron I mentioned earlier as being optimal for a player still fairly new to the game), the most advantageous Elite Talent would probably be “Squad Leader” (2). This allows the Black Squadron TIE to bestow an additional Action upon a ship within range 1-2 as long as that ship has a lower Pilot Rating. Total cost with upgrade- 16 points.

Compare that ship to the named TIE Pilot “Backstabber.” Backstabber is for all intents and purposes a 16 points standard TIE Fighter, but Backstabber’s special rule states that if Backstabber is outside of his target’s firing arc, he rolls one additional attack die. With a TIE Fighter’s superior movement over every other ship in the game at this point, coupled with Backstabber’s relatively high Pilot Ranking (6 compared to Black Squadron’s 4), it’s highly likely if maneuvered effectively that Backstabber will be able to bring 3 attack dice to bear with regularity- the same as an X-Wing, and a whopping four attack dice if Backstabber can manage to get into range band 1 of his target while staying out of that ship’s firing arc.

Now, does that mean one should never, ever, ever take Black Squadron TIEs? Of course not. The unique named pilots may only appear in a player’s squadron one time- no multiple instances, so there are times where taking Black Squadron TIE is a great thing... it’s just going to most likely be after the player has already selected Backstabber and some of the other named TIE pilots.

For the Rebels, it plays out largely the same, but it’s much more difficult to kit out Rebel ships with much of anything in the way of upgrades because so few Rebel ships have access to Elite Talents. Really, there are only two upgrades- secondary weapon systems (of which there is exactly one usable by all Wave 1 Rebel fighters- Proton Torpedoes) and an Astromech droid. As Proton Torpedoes are of debatable effect  on X-Wings in this game (see below), that really only leaves the droid as a valid upgrade. Of the droids available, only four bestow effects that don’t require an Action- R2-D2, R5-K6, R2 Astromech, and R5 Astromech. This isn’t to say that having a droid whose special ability requires an action is a terrible idea, but nearly all of the named pilots have skills that are always in play and don’t require the player to use an Action. This of course is significant because any collision results in the loss of the player’s ability to take an Action for the round. I won’t get into the specifics of the droids here- I’ll leave that for the Rebel upgrades section.

So Which Do I Choose?
As with most miniatures game, the key to producing a successful list is to find the balance between the expensive few and the cheaper many. In X-Wing, this is artificially imposed by the rule that named pilots may only appear once in a player’s squadron as previously mentioned.

As for how many named pilots versus generics make the final cut into a player’s squadron, it depends on faction and how many ships make up the squadron along with a player’s own play style and tendencies. Taking a named pilot only benefits the owning player with a higher Pilot Ranking and a special ability not otherwise available to other builds of that ship- Luke in an X-Wing is exactly the same as anyone else in an X-Wing stats-wise; all X-Wings have 3 Attack, 2 Defense, 2 Shields, and 3 Hull regardless of who is driving. Tactically, the difference in points between Luke and Rookie X-Wing is Luke moving later in the movement phase (high pilot ranking) and picking his action after most everyone else has moved, shooting early in the shooting phase (high pilot ranking), and when he is attacked, he will change one “eyeball” result to an evade symbol (his special ability). Whether or not that’s worth the 7 points difference between Luke and a Rookie X-Wing pilot depends on the player, but most of the time and in most situations, it most certainly is worth it.

Understanding your upgrades/ special abilities
Realizing what effects a particular upgrade or pilot special ability yields in-game and how that assimilates into your play style is the most important aspect of list building in X-Wing. As there are no massively undercosted/ overcosted ships or options in the game, any build can be viable in the right hands, and conversely a list that the internet has fallen in love with can fall flat on its face if you run your ships into asteroids every turn.

As before, this article was written by Clint over at the metal bikini.com so all credit goes to him.
As always thank you very much for visiting the site----------if you have any questions or comments please feel free to share them!----------You can help us out by joining us on facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/Scifiwargamers or Following us on twitter Here: @Marsekay-------If youre feeling VERY generous,by using the donate button or finally just browsing the site! ----------Thanks for visiting from the SciFiWargamers team.
You have read this article X-Wing with the title March 2013. You can bookmark this page URL https://cambetamacaubangkok.blogspot.com/2013/03/x-wing-general-concepts-of-listbuilding.html. Thanks!

X-Wing: Listbuilding with wave 1 only products.

     Hi guys, i felt you all needed to see this, this is originally from Clint over at the the metal bikini.com so all credit goes to him for this!


X-Wing Listbuilding Wave 1 Intro

X-Wing wave 1 game in progress.
List building in Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures isn’t as critical to game outcome as in some miniatures games, but there are some general guidelines that can be taken into account as well as some specifics for Imperial and Rebel lists that can be used to increase overall efficiency, at least at an “on paper” level.

The thing to bear in mind with X-Wing Miniatures is that being able to utilize movement/ maneuvering of your ships is the most important skill to possess in this game, bar none. Not your ship list, not the upgrades you've selected and the way they synergize with Pilot abilities, not anything else- it’s very, very much about your ability to move your ships around without running into anything (and hopefully guess your opponent’s movements to a certain extent too).

Long story short, most of the time when people lose playing this game, it’s not because they took the wrong list or even that they were outplayed by a cagey opponent- it’s because they don’t know how to play the list, don’t know how to move the list, or a combination of both. This game has internal and external balance like no other miniatures game I’ve ever played. It’s amazing how balanced the two factions are while being completely diverse in playstyle. That being the case- namely that there’s no auto-win button, the thing that sets the bad players apart from the good players, and the great apart from the good, is the ability to move effectively. A close second is the ability to play the Pilot Rank, which is of course, a whole other topic, but one that does factor into list building, so it will be discussed to some degree in the following articles.

All that said, two players that are of similar experience with the game might find an advantage in the list of available options, synergy between pilots, or perhaps a previously unknown or overlooked rule interaction. That’s where these article may come in handy.

Note: The following articles in this series assumes some familiarity with the game- how Pilot Rank works, what declaring a Focus action gets you, etc. I’m going to assume you already know stuff like that for the purposes of this article. The idea here is to make an intermediate level player more dangerous, not to take a player completely new to the game through the ruleset and how it works. I think that if you've sought out list building information on the internet, you're probably already somewhat familiar with the game, but if you're completely new to the game, truthfully the best advice I can give is to simply watch the videos on the FFG site and play a few games.

As before, this article was written by Clint over at the metal bikini.com so all credit goes to him.

As always thank you very much for visiting the site----------if you have any questions or comments please feel free to share them!----------You can help us out by joining us on facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/Scifiwargamers or Following us on twitter Here: @Marsekay-------If youre feeling VERY generous,by using the donate button or finally just browsing the site! ----------Thanks for visiting from the SciFiWargamers team.
You have read this article clint / x wing with the title March 2013. You can bookmark this page URL https://cambetamacaubangkok.blogspot.com/2013/03/x-wing-listbuilding-with-wave-1-only.html. Thanks!

Showcase: Wills Imperial Fists: Part 2

 Showcase: Wills Imperial Fists: Part 2

 Hi guys, after showing you some of Wills work the other day, you can see the post HERE i thought it was time to share some more with you. Last time we showed you his HQ and Elite Terminators, this time its the Contemptor dreadnoughts and his Troops units, the tactical squad and the scouts!

Heres the pics!

Wills imperial fists

Wills imperial fists

Wills imperial fists

Wills imperial fists

Wills imperial fists

Wills imperial fists

Wills imperial fists

Wills imperial fists

I think these guys all look amazing, and i think you will agree! I think Will has quite a lot more of these somewhere so i will persuade him to share some more pictures with us!

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You have read this article imperial fists / showcase / will with the title March 2013. You can bookmark this page URL https://cambetamacaubangkok.blogspot.com/2013/03/showcase-wills-imperial-fists-part-2.html. Thanks!

Showcase: Will's Imperial Fists.

Showcase: Will's Imperial Fists.

 Hi guys, i thought it was time you all got to have a look at Wills Imperial fists. The quality of the painting is outstanding on these guys, and they picked up a well deserved "best painted" at the recent Aftermath Lazerblast 2013 tournament.

Heres some pictures!
Wills Imperial Fists

Wills Imperial Fists

Wills Imperial Fists

Wills Imperial Fists

Wills Imperial Fists

Wills Imperial Fists

Those are just a few of his HQ units and the elite terminators. next time i will show you more!
keep your eyes peeled!

As always thank you very much for visiting the site----------if you have any questions or comments please feel free to share them!----------You can help us out by joining us on facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/Scifiwargamers or Following us on twitter Here: @Marsekay-------If youre feeling VERY generous,by using the donate button or finally just browsing the site! ----------Thanks for visiting from the SciFiWargamers team.
You have read this article imperial fists / showcase / will with the title March 2013. You can bookmark this page URL https://cambetamacaubangkok.blogspot.com/2013/03/showcase-will-imperial-fists.html. Thanks!

Scifiwargamers: a look back over february.

Hi guys, its a new month so lets have a little look back at the stats for last month.

Views in february: 27123.
Views in January:  77000

Followers for February: 46
Followers in January : 40

Technorati rank for february: 17467
Technorati rank for January: 81352

Posts on the blog in february: 158
Posts on Blog in January: 134

Blogs on the scifiwargamers network blogroll in February:40
Blogs on the scifiwargamers network blogroll in Janurary:33

So as you can see, although overall visitors are down over the month (ive not been updating much at all these last few weeks due to personal issues, this should speed up again this month.) everything else is looking better. content and content quality is up, bringing the quality of the readership up.

See you again next month!

As always thank you very much for visiting the site----------if you have any questions or comments please feel free to share them!----------You can help us out by joining us on facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/Scifiwargamers or Following us on twitter Here: @Marsekay-------If youre feeling VERY generous,by using the donate button or finally just browsing the site! ----------Thanks for visiting from the SciFiWargamers team.
You have read this article stats for february. with the title March 2013. You can bookmark this page URL https://cambetamacaubangkok.blogspot.com/2013/03/scifiwargamers-look-back-over-february.html. Thanks!